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We appreciate you visiting. Faith Fundraising is Christian family owned and operated and our ministry is to help your ministry. We pray that we can help your church, school, family or group raise the funds you need. We understand how important your fundraising goals are. We are working on your behalf, praying for your ministry and are with you every step of the way.




Our mission is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and his soon coming through products about Jesus.  


Our goal is to help you reach your goal and to serve you with integrity and Christian love. 



The beautiful color catalog is filled with praiseworthy products all from the Christian company Kerusso. Products that everyone loves, reasonably priced so they are easy to sell.  We are honored to lead Kerusso's fundraising department. For over 30 years Kerusso has been the sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through Christian products. As one of the pioneers of T-Shirt evangelism they set the standard and are the leading producer of Christian T-Shirts today.    




Change your shirt, change the world! With our Christian T-Shirt fundraiser participating in evangelism is easy, life changing and fun. A graphic T-shirt can be read as many as 3000 times in it's existence.  T-Shirt evangelism has the opportunity to reach millions of people who need to hear the message of salvation. 



We believe all that we have belongs to Him and that we are called to be a cheerful giver. We donate and give back and are strongly committed to tithing and the giving of offerings. 



God bless you and thank you for choosing Faith Fundraising. We look forward to serving you and your group.




The Pieters Family 




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